How to choose a Pole Studio or Online Pole Tutorials (FREE)

I’ve been involved in the fitness industry for over 20 years, and the pole industry for 15 years! I understand there’s a lot of information out there, and it can be challenging to know what to look for in a quality studio or instructor. We all have different goals and reasons, we want to pole dance. I’m certain we have one thing in common, avoiding injuries and we want to grow in our pole practice. I want to share the knowledge I’ve gained, to help you find the right studio or online instructor for you!
Instructors, does your studio meet the green light criteria? If so, please feel free to comment with your Location/City and studio name so potential students can find you!
Students, do you attend a studio or use an online resource that meets the green light criteria? Please feel free to share in the comments.
I believe the more quality instructors you have access to, the better your pole journey will be. If you’re an instructor that falls into the red flag, category. There is no need to be offended. You don’t know what you don’t know, but now you can do better for your students!
I offer a teacher training course included with any purchase on my website!
Fempress Fit in Chicago is a PFA Masters studio and promotes everything in the Green Light !