Inter 1 Day 2

Day 2. Today you’ll be working on your climbs, a barrel roll and some spins. You can choose to work on static or spinning pole. Start with the EASY Beginner warm up before working on the tricks.
Performance climbs at least 2 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times per side.
X ankle climbs at least 2 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times per side.
Barrel rolls at least 2 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times per side.
Side spin at least 2 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times per side.
Reverse side spin at least 2 times, both sides, but no more than 10 times per side.
Flowmotion lunge 3 times, on each side, moving sloooowly
Overhead stretch 1-3 times, choosing whichever style of stretch you like.
I’m falling in love with X Ankle Climb, it’s so graceful! Your explanation are really clear, I’ve done it right immediately. Thank you!
Your website won’t show videos on my iPad. Can I do anything ant this?
It does work with iPads and any mobile device. If it’s not working for you there is another issue. Can you please take a screenshot and email
Hi Veena, I have a pain in my forearm when I do a split grip that requires me to put too much weight on the bottom arm. Its fine for something like an easy up, but when it comes to the X ankle climb I sometimes feel it. Any tips for remedying this?
There should never be pain in the bottom arm in any split grip. If this is happening it could be a few things. Your position of the arm in relation to the torso, lack of strength, not engaging the correct muscle groups, or over use. If you have an IG account I can meet with you to try and troubleshoot what’s going on the next time you work on it. We can use the video chat function. Also have you seen this tips video I shared to IG for split grips?
the barrell roll was so much fun! I still need to work on straightening my foot when doing the performance climb and x ankle climb. great workout and training. I could not practice the reverse side spin because my pole kept moving on static – no bueno. so annoyed. I even took 5-10 mins to fix it and it was still doing it. I will try to focus on getting it fixed later today.