Inter 1 Day 4

Day 4. Today you’ll try the grips you watched on the first day and then you’ll do some conditioning for the lower body. Begin with the Express warm up then give each of the listed grips 2 or 3 tries on both sides before moving on to the listed exercises.
Hip flexor lifts 2 sets, of 6-16 reps, both sides
Pike compressions 2 sets, of 6-16 reps
Squat twists 2 sets, of 6-16 reps, both sides
Superman back 2 sets, of 6-16 reps
Clamshells 2 sets, of 6-16 reps, both sides
Hi! What do you mean by trying the grips? Is it a hand positioning type of try or should we perform a type of move that uses such grip to try actually using it and feeling secure with it? Thank you!!!
Just look at the tutorials and try the placements of the hands and arms on the pole. No doing or holding the body with them. Getting familiar.
great lesson today. I realized I was doing the clamshell incorrectly so when you mentioned matching up your body to the yoga mat that helped a lot. I could feel the burn in my glutes 🙂