Inter 1 Day 5

Day 5. Today start with the Basic warm up then you’ll be working of spins and a fun exit for the fireman. You can use static or spinning pole.
Barrel rolls do at least 2 attempts but no more than 10 attempts per side.
Standing fireman spin do at least 2 attempts but no more than 10 attempts per side.
Tuck spin do at least 2 attempts but no more than 10 attempts per side.
Fireman spin exit 2-3 times each direction
Combo Plank spin 2-3 times each direction
Press stretch Hold for at least 30 seconds
Love the surprise guest star in your videos today :]
She’s so cute 🥰
She’s so adorable, I had to replay the vÃdeo numerous times until I’d actually pay attention to the instructions 😅â¤ï¸ðŸ˜
Her little sweater! OMG!
She likes to wear clothes lol
I like when there are also a pair of exercises with heels as in this lesson! Even if I love above all the acrobatic side of the pole dance I’ve discovered with your beginner lessons that I like the heels too.
Yay! Heel are fun
I had to escape the couch today but was pleasantly surprised at how much my spins have improved. You do a great job explaining how to keep control and your body away from the pole. 💕
That’s great news, thank you for the comment 💜
Enjoyed this training, especially the routines. I need to take some time to work on the tuck spin some more.