Inter 3 Day 7

Day 7! Today you’ll be working on Handstands, but before that warm up with the Performance ready warm up or feel free to use the Stands routine as the warm up if you choose to not work on Handstands.
Remember if you even need any help feel free to leave a comment here and I’ll get back to you asap.
Pole handstand 6 times
Bum slide 6 times
Intermediate 13 2 times each side but no more than 10.
Intermediate 14 2 times each side but no more than 10.
Press stretch 10 seconds, 3 times, per side.
Forearm flexor stretch 30 seconds
Forearm extensor stretch 30 seconds
Lying v straddle Passive stretching 10-30 seconds
Sitting v straddle Resistance stretching (starting at minute 1:20) 10-30 seconds