Intermediate 1

In this combo you’ll be using a Side spin to transition into a Shooting star using the floor and get up from the floor with an Easy up.
The pink words are direct links to each related tutorial, these will provide more information like full descriptions, and things to working to achieve each trick.
I laughed when I saw this lesson. I’ve been doing this ever since I learned the side spin. I never knew “floor shooting star” was a thing!
I just made up a name for it for the lesson, I figured it would work because it’s really the same move but only from the floor. 🙂
Cool, Veena! I love these!!!! I will be doing them! I feel like they will be a fun way to get back on the pole and get flowy! LOL!!!! These lessons have helped me through my injury so much! You have no idea. There are just so many things to do on here!!!