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Once you understand the concept of the cartwheel mount you can try the Jackknife. Some may even find this one easier than the cartwheel because they naturally tend to turn their hips.

Side pole row

Internal shoulder rotation

External shoulder rotation

Torso twists

Sitting pike

Sitting twist stretch



  1. OMG thank you sooo much Veena!!!!! I have been so eager to learn this one! I just bought a 45 for the main reason of wanting to learn pencil mount and jacknife! yay!!!! What a great

  2. Do you have any tips on how to mount with the split grip/true grip? I can do a twisted grip Ayesha this way and move my legs into a jack knife, but I have a hard time getting my hips around in the split grip. Well, actually, I can’t even get my legs up in this grip. Thanks!

  3. This is very different then using a TG grip. I would suggest watching the Half Cartwheel and Cartwheel mount lesson first. It has good info. Keep in mind that it’s nothing like using a TG, the motion is different. You can use the same methods of entry using a Thumb down grip as well.