Middle Splits Routine

FLEXIBILITY – Length 23:00 – Items needed: Foam roller
This flexibility routine will take you through exercises, stretches and tips for your Middle Splits!
Tips to help you get the most out of this workout:
- Always watch the related videos listed before doing any workouts or routines. This will insure you’re familiar with each of the exercises used in the routine.
- Track your sets and reps. Don’t worry if you can’t do all of the reps I suggest. Instead make sure to write down how many you did do so you can try and do one or two more next time.
- Suitable for beginner level 2 and up.
- A warm up is needed before using this routine.
- Make sure you’ve been cleared by your health professional before starting any exercise programs.
- Always leave a day of rest between flexibility to gain sessions, more is not better.
- To increase your flexibility, use this routine 2-3 times a week for 4-8 weeks. If you are new to stretching you should perform splits training once per week. After at least two weeks move on to twice per week.
Click the pink text if you’d like to go directly to any related video used in this routine. The links will provide you with more information about each tutorial, including, it’s description and related videos.
Hi there, happy easter! I have just currently got my straddle (still needs more love but I am almost flat) and almost my front splits on both side, want to start on middle splits but do not want to stop practicing my straddle and front splits. So question is, how often do I do each one per week if I want to also include all three? and does straddle stretches help with Middle splits too? currently I do in a week: straddle, off day, front, off day, straddle, off day, front, off day… etc. so every other day I rotate what stretch I do. how can I bring in Middle to this? without losing my gains and continue to improve my other 2? thank you!
It would depend on what else your doing during the week. For example, if you have planned pole sessions where you train flexibility moves, like, Jade, Ballerina etc. That would factor into flexibility training. Can I ask what you mean by straddle split? To me straddle and middle splits as the same.
by straddle I mean I can put my legs pretty wide and flatten my body to the ground. I guess its more like straddle stretch, I just finally got my chest to touch the ground after 4 months of stretching. but my legs are in more of a wide V not straight out to the left and right. I am only 10 months in, I take one in person lesson a week and supplement with online classes like yours. total about 4 days a week. But no Jade, I just got my butterfly from outside leg hang. I also got my inverted D sort of for like 2 seconds. I posted on reddit and you gave me some tips. I am also 57 years old, so stretching is really import to me but I do not want to over due anything.
Ah, I see what you’re saying. So this video has some tips for training. https://www.studioveena.com/lessons/view/62a11f8a-42ec-4991-8dd4-0d06ac110005 This video might help you plan.
Know that if you’re training to gain flexibility, you don’t want to do anymore than 3 times a week. Just like lifting weights doing flexibility training to gain, will stress the muscle fibers and they need to repair otherwise you’ll end up feeling more stiff than before! With gaining flexibility more is not better. I also suggest rotating through this routine, the front splits routine, and the 2 active splits routines. Keep it to no more than 3 times a week and do the stretching to gain the same days as pole training, to give yourself full rest days to recover. To maintain what you have do a few stretches at the end of any pole session or workout. This should only take a few mins.
This is really insightful, the comparing to weight training. I always thought you could stretch everyday if you have the time. Also, adding a few mins of stretching AFTER my pole workout for maintenance is a great suggestion! I will also follow your plan of max 3 times a week. thank you!
Happy to help!