Pole Sit and Pole Holds Class

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This class is an hour and fifteen minutes long. Join me for a warm-up then it’s time to work on Pole sits and Holds. After this it’s time to learn a short choreography that utilizes everything we’ve practiced. If you need more help with the tricks I’m using please watch the related lessons below the main video.

Here’s a little video explaining how to keep your wrists happy when gripping the pole

I didn’t feel much difference after foam rolling my inner thighs, did it change anything for you? More research is needed!


  1. I enjoyed this choreography.  It was very simple.  I like how you took time to explain the different ways to count to the beat while dancing.  I have no dance background whatsoever so that was extremely helpful.

    I kept sliding down the pole with my hands and thighs when I did the pole sit.  I used grip…and kept putting more and more on and still had the same problem.  Ugh….that was annoying.  Not sure what the cause bc I typically dont have this problem.  Maybe my pole was still cold.  Here’s what it looked like… https://share.snapchat.com/m/k87f2HBF?share_id=7jkaCrSlRBKCXWZn81VKbA&locale=en_US

    I really loved watching you teach this…you were having a lot of fun with it.  

    I had fun with this too. 

  2. Veena, this was awesome. I’d been using pole hold to get into a sit the entire time, trying it with a push grip was a game changer. I’ve got a pretty deep curve in my low back, so that took out the need to tuck my butt so far under and gave me more space between pole and crotch. Much easier to tip my hips and really lock myself on so I could take both hands off if I wanted. Extended classes that really break things down are a huge help–never a good idea to come across something like this and say “Oh, I know how to do that, I’m good,” and skip it. Thank you!!

          1. Oh I believe it. I took a mini-pole class once at a studio here in Houston and almost didn’t go back because I bruised my shins so badly! If I remember right they were trying to teach us fireman spin in a first lesson. Seems like a bad idea now. At least the class was fun because there was an entire bachelorette party in there, and then there was me. 😀