Shoulder Mount Technique Options

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STRENGTH BUILDING Drills – Length 4:00 – Items needed: Pole

This is a drill video, demonstrating different options that can be used for Shoulder mounts. It goes along with my 30 day shoulder mount program. However, the drills can be practice on their own.

You do not need to follow along. Instead watch the video in full and the related video then, when you are ready, try out the different options I’ve demonstrated. Options will include:

  • Entries
  • Hand placement
  • Leg positions
  • Exits

Dancers who are new to shoulder mounts should work on the first two options shown, the floor and shoulder dismount, while more advanced dancers can decide can choose any.

If your using the Shoulder Mount Program follow the instructions I give for each day in the program and only use options I list for that day.

Tips to help you get the most out of this workout:

  • Always watch the related videos listed before doing any workouts or routines. This will insure you’re familiar with each of the exercises used in the routine and allow you to choose any modifications.
  • Track your sets and reps. Don’t worry if you can’t do all of the reps I suggest. Instead make sure to write down how many you did do so you can try and do one or two more next time.

Click the pink text if you’d like to go directly to any related video used in this routine. The links will provide you with more information about each tutorial, including, it’s description and related videos.

Shoulder slides

Shoulder mount

Shoulder super invert


  1. Sorry…. I am one those students who try to be prepared.. so I push myself a little farther. When I was a kid sonecof teachers used to hate that! 😂 They would yell at me: stop jumping ahead! 🤣