Veena’s Pregnancy and Postpartum journey

I thought it might be fun to share a compilation video of my past. I was one of the first pole dancers to ever publicly share videos of herself pole dancing while expecting. My peers, as in, those who also taught pole dance or thought of themselves as a leader in the industry, were very cruel to me. I ended up having to start a new youtube account because they would constantly report me and send me threatening emails. I was even asked to leave a pole dance forum and not come back until I had the baby. My how times change, and I’m glad they have!

Please understand I was self taught and didn’t come up with the concept of my Veena method of training until after I had my fourth baby. In this video I point out the exact moment I realized things need to be taught differently. Not that there was much out there, but the general thought process seemed to be that anything like a spin or done from the ground was beginner. However, after I came back as an untrained person, I saw very quickly that was not a great idea. My tutorials and website have gone through many updates to insure that I’m providing the best and safest instruction out there. We all grow and learn.

I am not condoning that someone only have a few months of pole practice and then start teaching. Times were very different when I started and I was eager to share what I had figured out on my own when it came to pole tricks.


  1. I will never understand women tearing other women down over anything, let alone something like this. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. What a wonderful world it would be if folks would all support each other, or at least mind their own business.

    1. It did put a bad taste in my mouth for the pole community at the time. But because of the interactions I had with other professionals I decided my website would be all about supporting and uplifting each other. I miss the days of an active supportive community here however, I’m glad people still love the tutorials.