Week 3 Day 4 Advanced

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Today is all about leg flexibility! You’ll begin with the Flexy warm up and If you need to run through the warm up more than once to feel ready go for it.

When working on the Half Jade/Half Hip Hold give this 3 tries on both sides. Then move on to the hamstring massage, next use movement stretching to work on the Lunge stretch doing 4 reps on both sides.

Finish today by working on the full Jade doing this 3 tries on both sides.


  1. Initially I thought: “Trying the Jade here was waaay too soon. I can’t even extend in a half hip hold”. But I trusted your judgement, you haven’t failed me yet. LET ME TELL YOU… I was better at the full jade than the half hip hold! I was able to get that back leg about halfway extended 👏